Vitamins for your immune system

Vitamins for your immune system


Our immune system is always keeping an eye on our body by defending it from cold and seasonal flu occasions. That is why we need to take care of it by taking a daily dose of vitamins. As we all know, vitamin intake helps to prevent deficiencies and improve the general state of our body. But before taking any of them, it is relevant to have a check appointment with your doctor. Vitamin intake does not rely on the time you take it. The most important thing for people is not to have any pauses in their daily consumption of vitamins. Here we have collected a number of vitamins and supplements that had already proven benefits to the immune system.


First of all, Vitamins C and B. They belong to water-soluble vitamins, which our body does not naturally cultivate. To restore their lack, we need to take them from an animal, plant, or even supplemental resources.


Vitamin C is well-known for its effect on colds. Daily intake during sickness helps to fight the pathogens and get well faster. However, doctors disagree on the fact that it helps to prevent cold in general. Plant products like oranges, grapefruits, and lemons are full of vitamin C.


Vitamin B is often taken due to its energy-boosting and stress-reducing abilities. To remain active all day, you need to take a B vitamin in the morning. Sources of vitamin B are naturally stored in green vegetables, fish, eggs, and poultry.


Vitamin D is truly unique in its formation. It occurs in the skin reaction to direct sunlight. However, its principal function is to strengthen our bones and muscles. Vitamin D also has beneficial effects on our immune system and helps fighting stress and anxiety. As Vitamin D is absorbed straight from the sun, the best way to refill it is to have a sunbathe. But if the sunny islands of Bora Bora are far from you. Cod liver oil, salmon, and mushrooms can help you to restore vitamin’s lack.


For proper functioning, the human body needs not only vitamins but also minerals. On top of the essential minerals remains – Zinc. This nutrient helps our immune system and ensures proper metabolic function. Great zinc sources are stored in spinach, beef, shrimp, kidney beans, and flax seeds.


All these vitamins and minerals can be found in our everyday food. It is essential to have a balanced diet, but for those of you who don’t have such a possibility, a multivitamin complex can be helpful. It is not about the more vitamins you take, the better you will feel; it’s about consistency and balance. Taking multivitamins every day can actually prevent hidden deficiencies, but don’t take everything at once.

By eating healthy food and drinking vitamins and nutrition supplements, you guard the immune system that will say thank you in the nearest future. Stay healthy – stay beautiful!