Ready. Set. Meditate!

Ready. Set. Meditate!


Last year brought lots of doubts and instability in our everyday lives. We keep thinking of many things that are happening now: Did someone sneeze? Did the husband pay for the internet? When do I have another Zoom call? Will our company survive after all this? Is this vaccine working?

These thoughts are poisoning our minds. They are not clouds; they are ivy leaves, and the more we focus on them, the more they suffocate us. A thing that will chop them off is just one word — Meditation.

Of course, you might say: I’m not that kind of person. I don’t believe in all this Nirvana thing. Nah, I’d rather smoke on the outside.

But here, we have gathered some points and tips that will change your mind.

What is Meditation?

In simple words, it’s our anchor. All-day long, our thoughts are wondering. We keep thinking of our past actions, thinking of what will happen in the future, but what we are not doing is thinking of our present. In most cases, we are disconnected from the actions that are happening here and now. Meditation helps us to stop, take a deep breath and focus on the signals of our body. In the everyday rush, no wonder that we get sick and struck by fatigue. The emotional state is as much important as the physical to our well-being. So get ready!

Where to start?

It’s hard to find a quiet corner when you are stuck at home with your closest. We are almost sure that you love them, but sometimes they are just pissing us off. To keep everyone alive, we are proposing to establish a 5 min break, where you can be just alone. If it’s not working for your surroundings, you can always close the door in your bathroom.

Get yourself into a comfortable position. Cross your legs if it’s okay for you. No need to stiff; just hold your back. Put your palms on your laps and close your eyes slowly. Set a timer, as you’re a beginner, no need to stay longer than 5 minutes.

You will hear all the sounds around you but try to focus on your breathing. How do you inhale through the mouth or nose? How fast do you exhale?

Sense the chaos of the situation and catch the moment of presence. You are here. Sitting. Thinking. Breathing. If it’s too distracting, wear headphones, set music that you like, not the one that is recommended. It’s your body. Listen to what it says.

What do you feel? Maybe you are a bit asleep, or your stomach asks for some food because breakfast was five hours ago. There is no need to judge yourself if something is not working as it says; remember, it’s our first time.

Open your eyes slowly — notice how do you feel right now. Notice your thoughts and emotions. You are present, you are in this room, in your life, and you can handle it. Remember, healthy means beauty.