Nut-Free Keto Tortillas

My best friend is allergic to not only nuts, but also coconut. This makes cooking for the two of us is somewhat tricky so whenever I get the chance to create a recipe that is both keto AND nut-free and coconut-free, I jump at it. This low-carb recipe is also egg-free and vegan in case you can’t eat eggs either.

These nut-free keto tortillas are based on Martina’s original Keto Tortilla recipe but I have switched the almond meal and coconut flour for more ground flaxmeal and the addition of lupin flour. They are not like proper Mexican tortillas but if you’re keto, you are going to love them!

I made 6 tortillas using this dought but you could make up to 8 tortillas if you roll the dough out thinner. I deliberately kept these plain but you could add whatever seasonings you like, smoked paprika, Italian herbs, nutritional yeast, grated Parmesan, onion powder or garlic powder.

These grain-free tortillas look fragile, but they are so sturdy and flexible and have a lovely deep flavour from the flaxmeal.

Looks like I’ll be having Taco Tuesday with my bestie soon. Enjoy!

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0 days, 1 hours, 0 minutes

Serving size 1 tortilla

Nutritional values (per serving, 1 tortilla)

Net carbs0.9 grams

Protein8.6 grams

Fat15.7 grams

Calories199 kcal

Calories from carbs 2%, protein 19%, fat 79%

Total carbs12.6 gramsFiber11.7 gramsSugars0.7 gramsSaturated fat1.5 gramsSodium400 mg(17% RDA)Magnesium98 mg(25% RDA)Potassium206 mg(10% EMR)

Ingredients (makes 6-8 tortillas)

  • 1 cup ground flaxmeal (150 g/ 5.3 oz)
  • 1/2 cup lupin flour (60 g/ 2.1 oz)
  • 2 1/2 tbsp psyllium husks (10 g/ 0.4 oz) – use whole husks, not powdered
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 1 cup room temperature water (240 ml/ 8 fl oz), plus 1/4 cup kept separate
  • 2 tbsp olive oil or coconut oil for greasing pan


  1. Prepare all the ingredients you’re going to use.
    Nut-Free Keto Tortillas
  2. Place al of the dry ingredients into a mixing bowl and then add the 1 cup of water.
  3. Mix by hand until a dough forms, add 1 tablespoon of additional water at a time until you have a soft, but not sticky, dough.
    Nut-Free Keto Tortillas
  4. Form a thick log and wrap in cling wrap before chilling in the fridge for an hour.
  5. Remove from the fridge and cut into six even slices. (You may be able to get up to 8 tortillas if you roll them out thinner. Nutrition facts calcutlated with 6.)
    Nut-Free Keto Tortillas
  6. Roll each slice very thinly between two sheets of baking paper and then use a 20 cm (8 inch) saucepan lid or plate to cut out a circle.
    Nut-Free Keto Tortillas
  7. Repeat for all six and leave layered with baking paper until you’re ready to cook.
    Nut-Free Keto Tortillas
  8. Heat your frying pan over medium heat and lightly grease before placing the tortilla in and cooking for 1-2 minutes before flipping and cooking for a further 1 minute. You don’t want the tortillas to cook too much or to become crispy, or they will lose their flexibility. Continue until all 6 are cooked.
    Nut-Free Keto Tortillas
  9. Serve as tortillas or nachos or make nachos cups out of them.
    Store, in an airtight container, in the pantry for up to 10 days. You can also freeze them, divided by a piece of parchment paper, for up to 4 months.
    Nut-Free Keto Tortillas

Ingredient nutritional breakdown (per serving, 1 tortilla)

Net carbs Protein Fat Calories
Flax meal (flaxmeal), ground flaxseed
0.4 g 4.6 g 10.5 g 134 kcal
Lupin Flour (Lupina)
0.3 g 4 g 0.7 g 25 kcal
Psyllium husks, whole
0.1 g 0 g 0 g 1 kcal
Salt, sea salt
0 g 0 g 0 g 0 kcal
Water, still
0 g 0 g 0 g 0 kcal
Olive oil, extra virgin
0 g 0 g 4.5 g 40 kcal
Total per serving, 1 tortilla
0.9 g 8.6 g 15.7 g 199 kcal

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