Mirror, mirror on the wall, collagen worth it all!

Fuzz about collagen is not new; about its beneficial effects, we can hear from neighbors, advertisements, and of course, celebrities. But do we really know is it that healthy?

In simple terms, collagen works as a glue to our bones, skin, cartilage, and muscles. As collagen makes up 80% of our skin, its consumption is essential for the maintenance of our skin, joints, bones, and even gastrointestinal, and it’s well-functioning. Plus, it makes our hair look healthy and beautiful and slows the aging process without beauty salons.

Intrigued already? Beneath we will tell you about all its advantages and where you can get it.

Collagen for your skin.

We can’t stop the time or aging process, but we can slow it down. As we grow older, our skin loses its natural collagen and elastic abilities. This process starts in the 20s and gets its peak in menopause. That’s why skin gets sagged and covered with wrinkles. Dermatologists recommend taking 2.5-5 mg of collagen as supplements per day to restore skin firmness and elasticity. There is no need to take more.

An important thing to remember: if you feel that after intake, you are dizzy or merely uncomfortable, the supplement is not suitable for your body. Verify the content and contact your doctor.

Collagen for your joints 

Collagen also protects our joints. This rubber-like tissue helps to sustain the cartilage, as we lose it with age and more often suffer from disorders like osteoarthritis. Regular collagen supplement intake helps to diminish this disorder and reduce joint pain in general.

Collagen for your bones

With age, our bones miss not only calcium but collagen as well. The deficiency of those elements leads to conditions like osteoporosis that higher the risk of bone fracture. Collagen intake is essential here as it gives structure to our bones and keeps them together.

More collagen benefits

Among the spoken benefits, collagen also helps our hair and nails. Recent research has shown that regular intake stimulates hair and nail growth and prevents them from frailty.

An unexpected outcome came with gut health. Over the years, nutritionists promote the use of collagen for treating digestive disorders and leaky gut syndrome.

Another surprising discovery was made about collagen metabolism stimulation, which leads to safe weight loss.

If you wish to promote your natural collagen without supplements, you need to eat more products that contain it. The best collagen source may be found in fish, chicken, egg whites, berries, leafy greens, cashews, as well as in the meals like bone broth, gelatin, chicken skin, and pork skin. Nowadays, it’s not a problem for vegans to gain all the needed minerals as there are plant-based collagen supplements.

A small tip for you to retain, things that eradicate collagen are not only connected with age. Ultraviolet, cigarette smoking, refined carbs, and extra consumption of sugar may cause collagen deficiency.

Take care of your body, and your body will take care of you. Remember, healthy means beauty!