Keto Linzer Cookies

If you all know anything at all about me by now, you will know that food is my love language. One year, on our anniversary, I made nothing but heart-shaped food for my husband. Come to think of it, it must have been a funny sight on the construction site as he sat down to eat his heart-shaped sandwiches, lol.

So, if you want to feed your love heart-shaped food for Valentine’s Day, or any other day, then these Keto Linzer Cookies (aka Linzer Kekse) are probably a bit more of a low-key way of going about it.

I filled mine with this crazy simple and delicious Super Smooth Low Carb Strawberry Jam, which doesn’t require you to use any chia seeds, and I had the left-over jam swirled through some sugar-free ice cream, yum. Make a batch for your Valentine. Enjoy!

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0 days, 1 hours, 5 minutes

Serving size one sandwiched cookie

Nutritional values (per serving, one sandwiched cookie)

Net carbs2.2 grams

Protein4.2 grams

Fat14.2 grams

Calories156 kcal

Calories from carbs 6%, protein 11%, fat 83%

Total carbs4.3 gramsFiber2 gramsSugars1.5 gramsSaturated fat4.6 gramsSodium10 mg(0% RDA)Magnesium42 mg(10% RDA)Potassium119 mg(6% EMR)

Ingredients (makes 12 sandwiched cookies)


  1. Sift all of your flours together, along with the xanthan gum.
    Keto Linzer Cookies
  2. Cream the butter and sweetener together until light and fluffy and then add the dry ingredients, mixing until a soft dough forms.
    Keto Linzer Cookies
  3. Tip the dough out onto some cling wrap and form a disc. Wrap and then chill for 30 minutes.
  4. Remove from the fridge and roll out to about 1/2 cm (1/4 inch) thick. Using a cookie cutter, cut out 24 cookies.
    Keto Linzer Cookies
  5. Create heart-shaped cut outs in 12 of your cookies and lay them out on lined baking trays.
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  6. Chill on the trays in the fridge for a further 30 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat your oven to 160 ?C/ 320 ?F (conventional), or 140 ?C/ 285 ?F (fan assisted).
    Keto Linzer Cookies
  7. Transfer the cookies in the oven and bake the cookies for 15 minutes, until they are just starting to colour on the edges. Remove and cool on racks.
    Keto Linzer Cookies
  8. To complete the cookies, you will need to prepare our Super Smooth Low-Carb Strawberry Jam. If you don’t have any, it will take an extra 1 hour.
  9. Pace 1 tsp of jam on the bottom cookie and slowly press the cut-out cookie on top, spreading the jam in an even layer between them and filling the heart-shaped window.
    Keto Linzer Cookies
  10. Prior to serving, dust with powdered sweetener.
    Keto Linzer Cookies
  11. These cookies are not suitable for making in advance and storing. Assemble them just before serving.
    Keto Linzer Cookies
  12. Store cookies (without filling) in an airtight container, in the pantry for up to 10 days. You can also freeze them for up to 4 months.

Ingredient nutritional breakdown (per serving, one sandwiched cookie)

Net carbs Protein Fat Calories
Almond flour (blanched ground almonds, almond meal)
1.3 g 3.1 g 7.7 g 86 kcal
Coconut flour, organic
0.3 g 0.4 g 0.4 g 9 kcal
Xanthan gum, thickening agent
0 g 0 g 0 g 0 kcal
Butter, unsalted, grass-fed
0 g 0.1 g 5.7 g 51 kcal
Erythritol (natural low-carb sweetener)
0.4 g 0 g 0 g 2 kcal
Eggs, free-range or organic
0 g 0.5 g 0.4 g 6 kcal
Vanilla extract, sugar-free, alcohol-based
0 g 0 g 0 g 1 kcal
Smooth Strawberry Jam, homemade (KetoDiet blog)
0.2 g 0 g 0 g 1 kcal
Erythritol (natural low-carb sweetener)
0 g 0 g 0 g 0 kcal
Total per serving, one sandwiched cookie
2.2 g 4.2 g 14.2 g 156 kcal

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